Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We are going to do a Show Here?!!

When I first started doing Comedy I had no idea the places it would take me. I thought it would be like on T.V. nice Comedy Clubs, or Bars , with great crowds that came for the Show ,ready to laugh, and have a great time. While most of the time this is true. Sometimes we as Comics find ourselves in some crazy places. Places that I would have never guessed would be doing a Show.
Here is a list of some the craziest places I have done Comedy at:
-Super max Prision
- Cage Fights (in the Cage in between fights)
-Radio station personality's living room
-Some guys garage
-A Field (a illegal field party)
-Biker rally
-Shit load of Strip Clubs (sounds like a good idea but its really not)
-Collage cafeteria
-Collage classroom
-Retirement home
-Pipe shop
-Truck stop (between karaoke)
-Bachelorette party (they thought we were the strippers)
-On a boat
-Bowling Alley ( not in a bar in the Bowling Alley on the lanes)
-A street fair
-Swingers Club
-A Comic friend of mines basement for his mom and here friends
Just to name a few!